Tasting Notes: Levud’s Batch No. 1

The story of Levud’s begins in 2008, when we congratulated Mark Graham and Loren Miraglia for winning our Batch No. 1 Homebrew competition by brewing their beer as our very first batch. Recently, we decommissioned our original brewhouse and brought a new, state-of-the-art brewhouse to life. Recreating our first recipe seemed the best way to begin this new chapter in our brewing history.

The 2015 batch is now available to members of our Reserve and Hoarders Societies. Our experimental brewer, Andrew Bell, recently sat down with a bottle of the original Batch No. 1 Levud’s brewed in 2008 and a bottle of the new Batch No. 1 Levud’s brewed on our new state-of-the-art brewhouse. What can you expect if you were to crack both of them open right now? Here’s what Andrew had to say in his tasting notes:

Levud's 2008 and 2015


Original Levud’s (2008)

Aroma: Bready, toasty malt nose with supporting cellar notes. Diminished, virtually nonexistent hop profile. Perceived sweet esters, similar to dried stonefruit.

Flavor: Caramelized apricots, dried fruits and mild sherry notes. As it warms, the finish displays a slightly aged sauterne-like taste. Balance leans towards malty richness.

Mouthfeel: Low carbonation, allowing the sweet malty tract to be more perceptible. Somewhat delicate in its age but still somewhat decadent by contrast to the vivacious re-brew.

Levuds Back of Bottles


New Levud’s (2015)

Aroma: By comparison, prominent aromatic hop character showcasing the spicy nature of noble hops, which melds well with black pepper phenols and a mild carbonic bite. The house yeast produces an almost saison-like bouquet with this fermentation profile. Mild dried apricot esters are reminiscent of the elder brew. There’s a light, zesty tinge of alcohol.

Flavor: Crisp, hop-focused flavor gives way to clean malt in the finish. Spicy and grassy noble hops meld with spicy and peppery phenol notes while dried fruit esters take a back seat. Alcohol provides a nice roundness.

Mouthfeel: Perceptible brightness and effervescence, crisp and lively.

Make some notes of your own
At The Bruery, we take part in sensory experiences weekly. Often times, daily. If you like spending time with your beer and really getting to know it, record some tasting notes all of your own. Use this tasting notes template to help you collect your thoughts, and share a picture with us when you do. For a limited time, we’ll have printouts of these tasting notes sheets available in the Tasting Room.

The Bruery Tasting Notes

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