Summer Camp Crafts with our Bruers: Jessica’s Beer T-shirt Modifications

Working in the beer industry has a few perks. Besides all the free beer and cool people there are lots of t-shirts (at least to me this is a bonus). What better way to support your favorite brewery than by wearing their merch? However I generally do not like to represent my local brewery with just a simple t-shirt.

By applying some DIY (do-it-yourself) techniques, I have modified many of my favorite brewery t-shirts.

T-shirt modification can turn an over-sized guys t-shirt into a fitted girls shirt.

Or yield a girl’s shirt with some extra fizz.

Or punk things up.

I’ve always had a little bit of punk rock flowing through my veins. Modifying clothes with safety pins, spikes, rips and tears was just normal. It wasn’t until later that I discovered that I could actually make a t-shirt look decent. The inventions of the scissors and sewing machines have made this possible! I came across two t-shirt modification books by Megan Nicolay that put me in the direction of DIY transformations.

What is truly awesome to the max is that it does not always require that you know how to use a sewing machine. T-shirt material is great because when it is cut it tends to just roll up on itself, thus reducing the chance for further damage to the fabric. T-shirt material is also stretchy and lightweight making it easy to manipulate.

T-shirts can also be reincarnated into other objects. Once a t-shirt does not always mean it has to be forever a t-shirt. One project that I have been working on is turning all of my boyfriend’s old t-shirts that he just cannot seem to part with into a quilt. This way the shirts can still be enjoyed without collecting moths in the closet.

I highly encourage anyone to resurrect their favorite t-shirts. It is a great way to recycle items and provide a new flare to your wardrobe.

Post written by Jessica Davis, our Quality Specialist who makes sure our beer & yeast are healthy. Jess has worked in many a lab, including the one at Stone Brewing Co.

Make some more summertime crafts with our Bruers. Check out our Pinterest board and these related blogposts:

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