A message from Patrick Rue on Society exclusivity and more flexibility
Dear Society Members,
As we enter into the final months of the year, I want to express my gratitude, and let you know a few things we’re working on to make your membership experience even better. First, thank you for all of your support over the years! We wouldn’t be what we are without you. Over the last nine years, your support has enabled us to go from a bootstrapped, relatively undiscovered brewery to an internationally admired maker of delicious and inventive beers. Your passion and desire to share our beer with others has, in turn, created a thriving community of beer lovers. Your feedback helps us focus on what you enjoy most and helps us towards continuous improvement, which is a journey that thankfully will never end.
In addition to many conversations we have with members, we send a survey to our members on a quarterly basis to gauge what’s going well and what can be improved. A common theme lately is to increase the level of exclusivity of our beers to our members. We hear you loud and clear – we understand that the value of your membership is closely tied to receiving high-quality beers that are unique from the beers available to our retailers and non-member customers.
Starting immediately, we are changing our approach to how we allocate and release beers. Expect to see the majority of Reserve Society and Hoarders Society releases be exclusive to members, especially in 2018. Preservation Society members will continue to have access to unique, limited offerings through the quarterly Preservation Society package, but our Reserve Society and Hoarders Society members will receive the greatest amount of access to additional, rarer bottles. When a beer is not exclusive, we will clearly state that the beer is intended to be sold through our Tasting Rooms and/or to be sent through our distribution channels.
Thanks to your feedback, we’ve set into motion many other improvements that are intended to increase the value of your membership in the very near future, including new enhancements to our 2018 Reserve Society for those who have yet to join or have already joined. This includes the choice of three Reserve Society options based on your preference for included beer and subsequent communications, and the flexibility to begin a payment plan that makes a Reserve Society membership more feasible in 2018. Additional information is available via TheBrueryStore.com.
While our Society members always come first, we’re also looking for ways to better engage with our loyal retail partners and Tasting Room customers. We’ll continue to produce exciting and innovative beers for our retail partners, and constantly innovate on our pilot system for our Tasting Room customers.
We look forward to continuing our journey with you! Cheers to many more years of enjoying great beer and creating memorable experiences along the way.
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